Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Wiki
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Wiki

The Dark Worshipper is a monster in Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy.


"Able to pass through solid forms, they move with the swiftness of a winter cloud, and attack as if from nowhere. Save projectile weaponry for elsewhere, as they will pass straight through the Dark Worshipper."
Book of Sphinx
"Rarely seen outside the shadows."
Monster Inspector
"Adventurers should approach the shadows of any dungeon with caution, for a Dark Worshipper may be lurking in the darkness. Said to be the tortured souls of former warriors, trapped between our world and the afterlife."
Abydos Museum

Traits, Appearance, and Abilities[]

In the wild, Dark Worshippers resemble a humanoid cloud of black smoke, while in the museum, they appear more translucent and statue-like with white eyes. They wield wooden staffs similar to those used by the Skull Worshipper. They also share a staff-based combat method with the Skull Worshipper.

Strategy for Sphinx[]

Similar to fighting the Skull Worshipper, use swift whacks of the Blade of Osiris to take them down, avoiding their blocks. Never use the Blowpipe, as darts will pass right through them.


Connection with Ancient Egypt[]

The Shadow Worshipper may be inspired by Sheut or "shadow", a part of the soul in Egyptian myth.
