The Electric Armadillo is a monster in Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy. It is one of the three manipulable monsters, the others being Fire Armadillos and Slim Burbles. When manipulated correctly, it can produce the same results as the Electric Mummy.
- "The Skeletal Electric Armadillo spins on the spot, building up an electric charge shocking to anything that comes into contact with it."
- ―Book of Sphinx
- "The most shocking of its species."
- ―Monster Inspector
- "These peculiar, waddling quadrupeds normally walk along at a slow pace. Their hard shell doubles up as a weapon when spinning along the ground. Certain popular children’s tales claim their origins as the union of a tortoise and a hedgehog."
- ―Abydos Museum
Traits, Appearance, and Abilities[]
Electric Armadillos feature spikes on the back of their spiny bodies that charge up with an electrical current. It has red dots for eyes.
Strategy for Sphinx[]
When it begins to spin, move out of the way. Slash at the back when not attacking/flashing electricity to weaken it.
- Great Wall Entrance II (Non-Respawning)
- Uruk Canyon
- All armadillo monsters feature the same museum description and share the same pedestal.
Monsters | |
Capturable | Almost-a-Bull | Big Bull | Blade Scorpion | Chihuahua | Cobra | Crabhands | Cyclops | Dark Worshipper | Electric Armadillo | Exo-Piranha | Fire Armadillo | Green Giant Worm | Half Brute | Knives Cat | Mummy Chihuahua | Mummy Worm | Nose Needler | Piranha | Sharpbeak | Skeletal Axeman | Skeletal Spider | Skull Swordsman | Skull Worshipper | Slim Burble | Smiling Burble | Spike Spider | Sunflower | Tree Creature | Wasp Spider |
Non-Capturable | Alert Spider | Electric Eel | Featherless Turkey | Geb | Goofy Lizard | Manta Ray | Mummy Bird | Mummy Eagle | Rat | Sea Turtle | Shell Critter | Shuttlecock Bird | Small Frog | Spinefish | Spitting Toad |