The Manta Ray is a monster in Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy.
- "The Manta Ray’s natural habitat is the open ocean. They usually prey upon small schools of fish but have been known to attack larger animals if provoked."
- ―Abydos Museum
Traits, Appearance, and Abilities[]
The Manta Ray is a blue ocean monster that can be found in the oceans near the Heliopolis Desert. They are rarer than Spinefish.
Strategy for Sphinx[]
Rapidly throw Underwater Projectiles at it until dead.
- Heliopolis Desert's Ocean (commonly found by diving from a cliff near an obelisk)
- The Manta Ray is one of the monsters already on display at the Abydos Museum, making it non-capturable (also because Capture Beetles cannot be used underwater).
- The Manta Ray has a cut entry to the Book of Sphinx found in the games SphinxText.XLS file. The entry reads "A large, edible marine fish noted for its flat body And graceful swimming style. Years of being a culinary delicacy have made this creature understandably wary of anything unfamilar which strays too close to it. "
Monsters | |
Capturable | Almost-a-Bull | Big Bull | Blade Scorpion | Chihuahua | Cobra | Crabhands | Cyclops | Dark Worshipper | Electric Armadillo | Exo-Piranha | Fire Armadillo | Green Giant Worm | Half Brute | Knives Cat | Mummy Chihuahua | Mummy Worm | Nose Needler | Piranha | Sharpbeak | Skeletal Axeman | Skeletal Spider | Skull Swordsman | Skull Worshipper | Slim Burble | Smiling Burble | Spike Spider | Sunflower | Tree Creature | Wasp Spider |
Non-Capturable | Alert Spider | Electric Eel | Featherless Turkey | Geb | Goofy Lizard | Manta Ray | Mummy Bird | Mummy Eagle | Rat | Sea Turtle | Shell Critter | Shuttlecock Bird | Small Frog | Spinefish | Spitting Toad |