Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Wiki
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Wiki

The Monster Inspector is a character in Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy.


The Monster Inspector works in the Abydos Museum as the curator of the Natural History exhibit. When Sphinx brings them a monster they will give a breif description on said specimen, then accept it into the collection. However, in the event Sphinx brings them the same monster twice, they will refuse to take it.

After Sphinx donates a certain amount of monsters, they will gift him items such as the Zip Line Handle or the Hunter Certificates.

Appearance, Personality and Traits[]

The Monster Inspector has a generally kind disposition with a friendly personality. They have blue-teal feathers, a beak resembling an ibis and a red headdress that resembles the crest of a royal flycatcher bird.

They are very welcoming to visitors of the Abydos Museum, and will express gratitude when monsters are donated.

Their gender is never referenced.

Connection with Ancient Egypt[]

They resemble the Ibis-headed god Thoth, whose relevant associations included science and writing.
