The Spinefish is a monster in Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy.
- "The Spinefish's deceptively beautiful display fins hide deadly poisonous spines which it uses to fend off would-be aggressors. The Spinefish is an extremely territorial animal and is commonly used by the upper classes in their defensive moats."
- ―Abydos Museum
Traits, Appearance, and Abilities[]
The Spinefish resemble the deadly lion fish. When angry, it swims towards its prey while waving its fins.
Strategy for Sphinx[]
Throw Underwater Projectiles at them while underwater.
- The Spinefish is one of the monsters that is already on display at the Abydos Museum, and cannot be captured.
- The Spinefish has a cut entry to the Book of Sphinx found in the games SphinxText.XLS file. The entry reads "Fast-swimming and highly protective of its domain, the Spinefish is often a favored choice of the upper classes to make their moats even more hazardous to trespassers. Moving with great ease, they often attack their prey before they've even been spotted."
Monsters | |
Capturable | Almost-a-Bull | Big Bull | Blade Scorpion | Chihuahua | Cobra | Crabhands | Cyclops | Dark Worshipper | Electric Armadillo | Exo-Piranha | Fire Armadillo | Green Giant Worm | Half Brute | Knives Cat | Mummy Chihuahua | Mummy Worm | Nose Needler | Piranha | Sharpbeak | Skeletal Axeman | Skeletal Spider | Skull Swordsman | Skull Worshipper | Slim Burble | Smiling Burble | Spike Spider | Sunflower | Tree Creature | Wasp Spider |
Non-Capturable | Alert Spider | Electric Eel | Featherless Turkey | Geb | Goofy Lizard | Manta Ray | Mummy Bird | Mummy Eagle | Rat | Sea Turtle | Shell Critter | Shuttlecock Bird | Small Frog | Spinefish | Spitting Toad |